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How to Start a Blog | Make Money With Blogging (2024) | Blogging for Novices
Dear readers, as promised, we are here with an excellent article that contains information about making money from the internet by blogging, which is a safe and now ossified money-making method, as well as showing you new ways to make money from the internet. Many people who research ways to make money from the internet have encountered people who share YouTube earnings and I am sure that most of them have been affected by these earnings. Let me show what I mean with examples.

This earning is an example taken from the YouTube channel of an acquaintance who tries to make money by making game videos all day. Although most of his audience is English-speaking, he gets 108 million views and a 101K profit in return. If you think this is a perfect way to get views and make money online, I recommend you to follow this blog where we have started to share excellent and exclusive information about making money online. Why? Let’s analyze all of them in detail and let me give you my information about one of the most excellent ways to make money from the Internet. Now imagine what are the first things you need when you start creating a website. Of course a nice domain and hosting. Here on platforms such as Youtube.com and Blogger.com, since they give you this for free, they are taking a part of your earnings in return. For this reason, if you are just starting to make money from the internet, if you are interested in blogging, start making money directly from the internet by creating your blog. Not effective enough? Let’s reinforce it with an example.

Isn’t that an amazing statistic? He just started blogging and boom. For 1 month, he has earned exactly 8.6K net profit from 112K views. Not only that, I don’t want to show affiliate earnings. Because it’s not fair, there are no affiliate earnings in the image I shared above about making money from YouTube. If you search for making money by blogging on the internet, you will see that there are hundreds of articles. Well, if you ask what is the difference of this article from others, we will tell you in full transparency, hidden secrets that people do not tell anyone about making money by blogging.
The first step to starting a blog and making money: Choosing the right niche
Choosing the right niche is such an important issue that if you choose the niche wrong, your earnings will be 10 times or 20 times less. Now at the end of this article, I will give you the download link of the top 100 effective niches that will make you good money from the internet and you can download it from there and choose the one that suits you. Now let me add that, niche is not selected only because it is good to make money. Imagine you don’t want to write an article on any subject and you write a few articles because you have to make money. Very boring, of course. Instead, find your passion in these niches that I will give you and try to enjoy writing. Let me give you a short statistic, only in America 150 million people regularly read blogs. How many people in the world know how to read in English? Billions of people. Now when we start to make money from the internet by blogging, we have learned that the first step is to choose a niche. So what are the other steps?
The second step is choosing the right Hosting and Domain
Without any coding knowledge and just user-friendly, an incredible hosting site Hostinger is definitely my recommendation to you.

We choose the “Business” package for the small price of only $4 per month. Hostinger will really make your blogs very fast with its “NvMe Storage” feature. This feature is very important for the SEO of your content. No one wants to read articles from a slow and late-loading site. Let me show you an example, even though the site is fully loaded with plugins and content, its Google speed score:

Allowing 100K-per-month site traffic is also a nice number for beginners. Now we can easily start creating our blog by selecting “WordPress” from the “Add Website” section of the site.

Then, we specify the admin login and password for WordPress and click “Next”.

Select the blog from this section.

The next section

We can choose any theme by default because we will be able to change it later.
In the next section

It asks us which plugins to add to our blog by default. The choices here are also of no importance because I will give you a detailed order of plugins. Then we fill in the “Domain” “Site title and Description” sections respectively and complete our site. The domain name is vital for our site. When you carefully search the subject of making money by blogging on the internet, you will see that the content of some sites does not match the subject and domain of the content. So what is the explanation for this? Some webmasters have quite a lot of internet traffic in their hands, and by simply directing it to the target site, they make it possible for the site to come to very good places. In short, they give “Backlink” to their sites. Let me explain with an example, the webmaster has a Pinterest account with 100k followers on “Making money from the Internet”. Now that he gets traffic by sharing the content of his site on Pinterest, the choice of domain is not very important for him. But it is very important for you. For example, if the content of your site is about making money from the internet www.makemoneyhub.org domain will provide a nice plus for you.
The third step is content creation
This part is the base of a blog. Think about it, you have chosen a perfect domain and hosting, and everything is ten on ten, but the content of your site is terrible. No one visits such a site more than once. If you search for making money blogging on the internet, you will come across a lot of articles. In some of them, you will find information that is not useful in the form of short ways to create blog content. Let us explain immediately with samples. For example, the information given in some articles and YouTube videos is as follows: Open the YouTube videos of any person and click on “Show Transcript” at the bottom of the video.

Then copy the subtitles of the whole video from the window that opens on the right side of the YouTube video add it to ChatGPT and say write me an article from these words. Here is the article in a short way.
And another article about making money by blogging from the internet, someone was explaining this. Visit blog sites, copy the articles, and replace the words with synonyms, of course, do this automatically with the “WordPress Auto Spinner – Articles Rewriter” plugins and your article is ready. Dear readers, the love of making a lot of money in such a short time will ruin the blog that you have set up by spending money with effort. You will be perceived as spam by Google algorithms. Stay away from this kind of thing.
Do your research before writing your articles and have a full command of the subject. Create a nice article between 1500-2500 words. Take care to use H1, H2, and H3 headings in the content of the articles. When adding your articles to your blog, test whether they are suitable for SEO using the “Yoast SEO” and “AIOSEO” plugins. If you don’t want to deal with content work, hire people to do it for you through Fiver.

Never try to fool Google algorithms using ways such as cheating. Google has tough policies against spam and duplicate content. As a beginning, I will give you mid-level information in this article about making money from the internet by blogging, but we will talk about high-level topics in future articles.
The fourth step is to generate traffic for your site
I’ve built and run hundreds of sites so far and I’ve had enough experience with traffic. I would like to point out that if traffic is in question for your blog site:
YouTube is a must.
How to create effective pins on Pinterest?

He has only 5.9K followers and his posts received 94K impressions per month. Pinterest offers incredible opportunities for a beginner. I will give you some technical information to use Pinterest more efficiently. I leave it to you to enter Pinterest and create an account, this is very easy and simple. After that, turn the account into a business account enter the “Profile-Setting-Claim” section, and have your site approved on Pinterest. Let me explain with a visual for those who don’t know how to do it:

Since the community using Pinterest usually enters the site via mobile, the pins you create should definitely be mobile-compatible, 9×16 in size, and at least 5 pins per day. When creating a pin, first search and find the trending keywords from the “Pinterest Trend” section and add them to the “title and description” sections of the pin.

If you open and look at the pins on Pinterest, you can see that most of them are created from simple background PNG images and text files. If you don’t want to spend money to edit ready-made templates from sites like Canva. You can do better with basic Photoshop training. I give examples of some sites where you can find PNG images:
- https://pixabay.com/images/search/png/
- https://similarpng.com/
- https://pngtree.com/ etc. There are hundreds of sites like this.
Sites that I can recommend to you for beautiful fonts:
Here is such a simple and free way, you can create great traffic for your blog by spending time like 1 hour during the day.
How to use YouTube as an effective traffic source?
Here, since we will use YouTube as a traffic source, we will build our strategy on how the algorithm recommends us more than enough and brings us to the forefront, not to make money from YouTube. Let’s give an example, let’s say, our blog is about making money from the internet, and we will shoot our YouTube videos about making money from the internet. Now we will first measure the competition. We immediately enter youtube.com and search for “make money online”.

We select under 4 minutes from the “Duration” section. Here it is obvious how few videos there are, there is so little competition that you can immediately appear on the first pages of the first searches and algorithms by making videos to make money from the internet in less than 4 minutes.
Now we have to follow a few steps to create a video. Firstly, we register and open an account on one of the sites required for YouTube SEO such as “Vidiq” or “Tubbebuddy”. Then we visit YouTube and find keywords with high search volume and low competition.

Then we edit the videos we find for free from sites like Pixabay Pexel and upload them to YouTube. You can use programs such as Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Rush, and Filmora for editing videos. If you don’t want to do these, you can produce videos using AI tools, we touch on this topic very briefly because there is a large and detailed article on our blog about it.
The fifth step is to monetize our blog
After following all the steps I have shown above, be patient to build up articles on your blog, never hurry. You can apply for Google Adsense after at least 50 articles have been accumulated on your site. After the content of your site is of good quality, if some pages are missing, your application will still not be accepted. For example Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Contact, and About Me Please make sure that there are pages such as.
Here’s what I recommend for your blog to be fast and secure.
As a theme:
- GeneratePress
- Neve
- Astra
- Sydney
As plugin:
- Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection
- Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress
- Easy Table of Contents
- LiteSpeed Cache
- Inline Related Posts
- Site Kit by Google
- WPS Hide Login
- Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)
- Yoast SEO
- Newsletter
Article taken from this site please visit for more: https://makemoneyhub.org/how-to-start-a-blog-make-money-with-blogging-2024-blogging-for-novices-step-by-step/