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How to Make Money on X/Twitter in 2024 (for Beginners)
Greetings to all our readers. In this article, I will talk about the methods that work on Twitter, the details that are important for you to grow and develop your new business, and how to make money online with Twitter (X). We will cover how to create an effective account on Twitter, you will learn how to enhance your search engine optimization (SEO) by using the right keywords, from choosing a profile picture to writing a biography. Additionally, we will explain which strategies should be implemented to reach the right follower base. After reading till the end of the article, you will have in-depth information on how to set up your accounts on Twitter with its new name, X, and make money from the internet in 2024. Now, let’s start discovering the ways to succeed on Twitter!
The 2 most important factors you should know
- Daily time spent on business
First of all, remember that reading this article and then throwing everything away without doing anything after reading it will do you no good. That is, the nuance I want to emphasize is that you should devote at least 2-3 hours a day to the growth of this business. And look at the matter from a good side. Dealing with your phone during the day at home or on the road doesn’t seem like a big deal nowadays.
- Choosing a niche and know about something
You most likely come across articles, videos, and tips on choosing a niche. But no one emphasizes that the first important factor is knowledge. You must be knowledgeable or acquire knowledge in any field. In the Internet world, information spreads very quickly. It is necessary to be informed by taking advantage of this situation. For example, imagine a person who is not a doctor himself, but all his tweets are about diseases, medicines, and health issues. Sounds pretty absurd doesn’t it? An unmarried person tells people about family relationships, fatherhood, or motherhood situations. Of course, because this person has no family experience, his writings will be very false and meaningless. Be honest with people. Choose or learn a niche you like and know. No need to be an expert in any niche. Just don’t think people are stupid. After some time, they will soon realize that you are a fake. Sometimes people choose a niche they know, but it’s too niche for Twitter. At the same time, you must also adapt to the audience in For example, if you know how to repair equipment in a factory, this does not mean that your writing about repairing pieces of equipment will be successful. Because it’s not that interesting to the audience on Twitter. So it comes down to this as a golden rule: You should choose a niche that you know something about and that should be useful to the general public and readers. For example, Health and fitness, self-development, motivation, habits, e-commerce (sales, affiliate marketing, etc.), politics, religion, psychology, email marketing, SEO, business organization, and development, art, history, and many niches can be covered. It is very difficult to finish counting them.
One of the important points is to forget for once about copying and pasting other people’s writing or slightly changing their ideas. Such success is impossible. Be sincere and yourself in everything.
Answer these questions!
Sit down at the table and ask yourself these 2 questions and answer them. Don’t start a business without answering: What will my posts be about and who is my target audience? Then discover your competitors related to your field and target audience. If you want your business to be successful, be patient and proceed steadily. Don’t work hard for 1 week, stop the next week, and start again the week after. Again be patient!
The language level of your writing must be good. Imagine that someone writes incomprehensible sentences in your native language and claims that it benefits you. You will automatically develop an aversion to this account and think that it will not do you any good. Therefore, express your thoughts clearly in the language you write.
Setting up account name, handle, bio, and profile picture
In this part, I will tell you about your account name, handle, bio and profile picture. X has a large number of accounts and you need to be ahead of the competition. Let’s say people saw your post and liked your post. They wanted to browse your profile. If your name and handle are not related to the post you are sharing, this will reduce your chances of being followed by that user. If he likes your name, handle, and bio, he is more likely to follow you.

If you look carefully at these accounts, you can easily see that they have a name, bio and handle related to their niche. We strongly recommend that you choose your name and handle very carefully. For example, on a page related to philosophy, how can the profile picture be a car picture?
Some people ask whether is it possible to start a business with our personal name and surname. Of course not. Because even if someone reads and likes your post, it is very unlikely that they will enter and follow your account. Because he will think that you are a random account and he liked your post by accident. But if you have a name, handle, and bio in that niche, the user will know that you are constantly sharing posts about specific niches that he or she likes.
Examples of name and handle (these were non-existent or random account names):
If your field is about Premiere Pro: Premiere Pro Tips (@premiereprotips)
Creative Premiere Pro Guides (@creativepremierepro)
Try not to use symbols and numbers when choosing a handle. For example, if the @premiereprotips handle doesn’t exist, definitely don’t choose handles like @premiereprotips07. Do not choose a handle that is completely unrelated to the name and written in symbols. Such as @premierepr0tip$
I think we talked a lot about names and handles. It is necessary to talk a little about the important factors of the profile picture. As we highlighted above, set images related to your niche on the profile and you can also use ready-made profile pictures that are attractive.
But let’s say you absolutely want to open an account using your personal name. What to do at this time? Write your name and then indicate the field or niche of the posts you want to publish next to your name.

As you can see, after his name, he mentioned what field he is in and what he does. But let’s say you want to put a picture of yourself as your profile picture. Try not to use unprofessional-looking images to stand out from the average X user. For example, don’t use a selfie or a random picture of you walking outside. Make minimalistic and high-quality images that are quickly remembered by viewers. I would even recommend that you put your photo into a cartoonish form with using a number of apps. This will greatly benefit your business growth.

Although our account has a good profile picture and name, a properly written bio is very important for users to follow us. Your bio is your business’s selling ticket to users. When you create your bio, be sure to pay attention to these factors: 1. Why users should follow you and I create this type of content.
You need to explain to your users what you are doing. Don’t talk about yourself in your bio. No one cares what you did in the past, your personal preferences, what profession you have. For example, if you have a car-related account, in the bio of this account, which university you studied at, being a 4-time world champion in tennis, etc. nobody is interested in such matters. If your business is related to health, of course there is no problem with writing Doctor in your bio. Also, if your business is related to art, it’s okay to highlight that you have 8 years of painting experience in your bio. In short, I want to say that people are not interested in your person, they are interested in how you can help people. They follow you to get information, to learn, for their own interests.

You should refine this account yourself first. Consider the nuances I mentioned above. The name and handle are beautifully defined, the profile picture and background picture convey exactly the desired feeling to us. The bio clearly states what users can learn. See the mentioned location: Mount Olympus. He combined philosophy with a reference to Greece. At the same time, he provided more detailed information to users by placing a link.
Growth Strategy
Every growth starts with small steps. I have to tell you from the beginning that if you want to make money from Twitter, as with all social networks or businesses, you need to be patient and persistent. It must be accepted that reaching the first 3000-6000 followers from 0 creates many difficulties. Even I must say that do not apply for monetization until you have the first 2000 followers. We believe that if you continue with the right steps, you will exceed 2000 followers in the first 3 months. But don’t worry, your follower growth will accelerate over time and you’ll climb faster every month. In a period of 2 years, you will already exceed 140,000 followers. The key is to be persistent, remember that.
Towards the first 5.000 followers
We will not use any automated systems during this phase. You should be on X every 2 hours a day, sharing posts, commenting on other people’s posts, and engaging with your followers. You will share 15-20 posts on Twitter per day. But you should know that not all of these posts will be normal posts. Only 3-5 of them will be normal posts. What is a normal post, you may ask? What we mean by a normal post is that it is not a reply to someone or a quote post.
We will do the rest of our posts by writing replies under big accounts. But these should not be meaningless, random, empty posts that look like spam. You should discuss this in the replies section of big accounts. You should benefit the readers by giving them insight. Please note that followers usually activate notifications on large accounts. For example, think of a big account and let this account be formed a niche based on science, information, books, scientists, and experiences. You can reply and suggest many beautiful books, articles, etc. People can see your reply and maybe they will interested in your account. Avoid posts that are unprofessional, pointless, and useless.
The strategy to go from 5.000 to 10.000 followers
We will make changes in our strategy in this phase. We will reply 5-6 days instead of 10-15 replies per day. We will increase our normal number of daily posts to 7-10. But remember that it is always a good strategy to reply to big accounts and get the attention of the followers. One of my biggest tips for you is to repost your posts. Because when you share a post, it is not shown to the whole audience. Repost your posts 2-3 times a week and see the benefits. Don’t think it will hurt your account. On the contrary, it will bring your post in front of a follower who may not have seen your posts.
In this phase, we will also turn to the automation system. Let me inform you that an account with 5000 followers will earn around $15 per day. Invest in an automation system using your money effectively. There are many automation systems and their monthly payments are very close to each other. For example:
Although Postdeck ( postdeck.twitter.com ) is free, the options it gives you are very limited. But you can literally stay awake while you sleep at night by setting up paid automation systems. Sharing 2 posts while you are sleeping is a great option. If you set it this way, your account will be active even while you sleep. Also, I want to tell you about threads that if your account has less than 5000 followers, do not share posts in the form of threads. As your business grows, you can share threads.
The strategy after 10.000 followers
You can relax a little in this phase. Share 3-10 normal posts per day, reply to large accounts, and automate all other posts. That is, most of your work will be solved by your automated system. You can sit back and watch your business grow in comfort.
Bonus tips on growth strategy
And now I’m going to tell you about things that, although not our main strategy, can be very beneficial to you in growing your business. Imagine big accounts reposting your posts. That would be very positive for your business, wouldn’t it? So what to do? Tag great accounts and share posts about them or their work. First of all, don’t try to attract attention by tagging any account too many times. Because these accounts can think that you are spam, fake, etc. And they will either mute or block you. Try not to tag very large accounts, eg accounts with 100k+ followers. Most likely, they do not pay attention to such tags or reposts. If you try to attract the attention of big accounts by re-sharing their products, articles, courses, and posts by tagging them, they will recognize you as an organic account and will repost you. So that account’s followers will see your account and posts. Try to pay attention to the sincerity and fluency of the ideas you write while doing this.
The algorithm of Twitter or X as it is now called
Every day you can see thousands of articles that write about the algorithm, how it works, and how you can find loopholes. I’m not saying that all algorithm posts on the internet are fake or false. But keep in mind that Twitter and many other social media networks are constantly changing their algorithms. For example, by the time you read this article, such algorithms may have changed. So be constantly on the lookout and fluidly tweak your strategies to stay ahead. For example, the number of replies to posts once had a 1X effect on your Twitter suggestion, while the number of likes had a 20X effect. So everyone was trying to get more likes and retweets. But now this strategy is not valid at all. In other words, the importance of replies to your post has also increased.
Creating better Tweets and Increasing Engagement
While we think about our account name, profile picture, bio, and many other things, the most important thing is definitely how and what you post as a content creator. Your tweets should be able to attract more followers. For example:

When reading both texts, which is easier to understand and read? Of course, a post written with spacing between sentences is clearer. It is a very simple and yet effective matter. Also, it’s not just a matter of easy reading. If you write with spaces, then you will occupy more space on the screen. Your chances of getting likes or clicks on your account will be much higher.

You can also make clearer posts using emojis and lists. Remember not to use each method repeatedly. This can make viewers tired and bored.
Do not use swears or street words when sharing posts. If you want to express a criticism or a negative opinion, do it in the nicest way without making people angry.
Remember that you are not a robot. People think that they have to make robotic decisions and actions in business management all the time. Sometimes show your human side in your writings and posts. Express your feelings so followers know they’re not following a bot account. Sometimes when you are sick, you can mark it as such and you can say that you have scheduled posts in advance so that there will be no delays in the posts.
Or you can share your thoughts by reposting some viral event, meme, or issue. Because that event or meme goes viral, so you maybe will get more followers and also you will show your human side again.
Also, because you are human and knowledgeable, you can sometimes build a bond with your audience by writing your personal experiences and advice.
You can post quotes of famous persons. Try not to exceed sharing 1 post per day of quotes by famous writers, artists, poets, actors, etc.
Try to spread a positive aura. Try to convey a message to people by touching on motivating and sometimes thought-provoking issues. This will make them take you more seriously and get to know you better by looking to your page. For example:

Now I will talk about what many of you are wondering about. Of course, you build your business and you do it to make money. There are many ways to earn money on X. Selling your product, selling other people’s products, advertising in cooperation with other brands, publishing affiliate links, you can take in donations, etc. You can earn money using such methods.
First of all, if you want to monetize your account, you will need a PayPal account and a bank account. If we are talking about cryptocurrencies, you will need a crypto wallet such as Exodus. At first, you don’t have to sell your organic product. Try selling and monetizing your account when you have 2000-5000 followers. Your daily earnings depend on your niche and the impressions you receive. For example, if you advertise any product and share an affiliate link, make sure that it is relevant to your niche. Imagine you have an account about health, healthy food and you offer your followers car tires as an affiliate link or product. In such a situation, your probability of sale is almost 0.

Look carefully at the account name, post and affiliate link. It’s a nice relatable post.
With affiliate marketing, you sell other people’s products and get a commission on them. These percentages vary by niches, products, companies, and people offering it. For example, you can join many affiliate programs by applying. For this, it is enough for you to search for business-friendly products on X or the Internet and join their affiliate programs. You can get 10%, 15%, and sometimes up to 50% commission on the sale by sharing the link provided for you. You can also get in touch with many affiliate link-sharing users and agree to a certain percentage to get these links.
Selling your products
Earning real money is through your own products: online book sales, courses, video seminars, clothing, many guides, etc. You can sell your digital products through many ways like Gumroad, Whop, LemonSqueezy, Graphy, Payhip and many others I won’t mention. By pinning the product you are selling on your account, you can increase the click-through rate on each user visit. You can also post these links in your bio. I suggest that you share links to your products once every 2 days.
Selling consulting
It is probably one of the easiest ways to make money after affiliateing. Think about your users can pay you for what you do for them? Maybe you run a business about family relationships, and of course people may want to consult you specifically. If you are thinking of selling consulting via DM, don’t forget to mention it in your bio. But how to set a price? This of course can vary depending on what you do. For example, you initially offered the watch for $50. If your sales go through, prices will rise as your business grows. You can advance in $25 increments. After a while, you will determine from the number of sales that you need to stop the price increase.

Paid Membership Group
Another good way to make money is to build paid groups and communities. You can create paid (10-100 $) groups where you share exclusive content. You can do this across multiple platforms. For example:
Circle.so, Discord, Mighty Networks, Telegram, etc.
We can also talk about the subscription system in X. It is true that it is very difficult to get approval. That’s why we can’t go into the depth of this method. My best suggestion is to build these groups outside of X.
I also want to tell you about selling paid reposts. If your account has access to a large audience, you can receive offers for paid reposts. But the most important thing is to keep these conversations outside of X. If you conduct any sales negotiations in violation of X’s laws by doing such negotiations using DM, your account will be in jeopardy and there is a high probability of getting banned. It would be better if you do sales and money negotiations and offers on other platforms.
Substack is an online platform that allows writers and content creators to create their own subscription-based newsletters. Substack simplifies the process of creating a paid newsletter. Authors can send digital newsletters directly to their subscribers’ inboxes and pay a subscription fee to access their content. This content can range from news articles, opinion pieces, and industry information to serialized novels, recipes, and more.
This method can also earn you good money. You first open a Substack account and post links in your account bio or pinned post, making a monthly join of $5-$20. You can check out the “BOWTIEDOX” community, which has been leading the way in the substack route.
As a result, we can say that each part we highlight is a very important puzzle piece in itself. You have come across a number of options for making money online in 2024. You have read about affiliate marketing, dropshipping, e-commerce, and many other methods. But we didn’t talk generally about everything, we made this article very specific.
In conclusion, there are many important points to consider in order to create a successful Twitter profile and generate income through this platform. In this article, we’ve covered the basics like choosing a profile picture, writing a compelling bio, choosing a username and handle, and visually supporting best practices by comparing different profiles.
We have also explained in detail the many ways to earn money on X. You can earn income through affiliate marketing, link sharing, selling your own products or other people’s products. You can also make money by offering consulting services.
It is entirely possible to build an effective presence on Twitter and turn this platform into a source of income. With a successful social media strategy, you also can reach your goals on Twitter. Remember that continuous learning and development are the most important elements to achieve high level of success in the digital world.
Article taken from this site please visit for more: https://makemoneyhub.org/how-to-make-money-on-twitter-x-in-2024-for-beginners/